TALENTED thespians and budding athletes have been recognised for their achievements.

Knox Academy marked the school term by presenting 10 achievement ties and two endeavour certificates.

A spokesperson for the Haddington secondary school congratulated each of the award-winning pupils.

They said: “The endeavour certificates were awarded to Freya Robinson for her commitment to the eco-committee and Lucy Darling for her performance in 13 (musical) at The Brunton.

“Half-colour ties were awarded to Ashley Cowie and Matthew Cecil for their commitment and performances in rugby; to Lewis Grant for competitive swimming; Calum Hynd for playing league level football; Freya Maycock for playing and coaching hockey; Poppy Davidson-Kelly for her performance in tennis; and Alexander McBain for his commitment to Air Training Corps.

“Full-colours ties were awarded to Gabia Jagminaite for performance at national level gymnastics; Harry Hudson for national level (Scottish and UK) for ice hockey; and to Ava Smith for national level football.”