A MUSSELBURGH businessman has launched a fundraising campaign to support summer lunch clubs for children in East Lothian.

Alex Brown, of Ideal Flooring Solutions, has donated £1,000 and has also set up a crowdfunding page in a bid to raise a further £10,000 for the initiative, which is organised by the Pennypit Community Development Trust in Prestonpans for youngsters in the Prestonpans and Tranent areas.

Alex said: “I’ve always had a soft spot when it comes to helping children in any way I can and remember clearly how summer holiday trips with the WRVS (Women’s Royal Voluntary Service) helped me, my two brothers and sister.

“Helping the trust to help around 200 schoolchildren throughout the school summer holidays is something I feel I should do with passion, given the memories my siblings and I have from our trips with the WRVS. I still remember these times, even though we were only eight, nine and 10 years old at the time.”

He added: “The Pennypit Trust can do amazing things for young children throughout the school holidays and beyond.”

He urged others to follow suit and donate, saying: “I truly hope others do whatever they can to allow as many children to enjoy their school summer holidays, with activities and trips.”

'Significant challenges'

Ruth Davie, of the Pennypit Community Development Trust, said: “School holidays pose significant challenges to many families, with the pressures of childcare, cost of food, and the current cost-of-living crisis placing even further strain on families with low income.”

She stressed: “Due to a large gap in our funding, we urgently and desperately need support to help fund this much-needed programme this summer holiday. The impact from Alex’s donation of £1,000 will enable us to feed 30 children and young people for six weeks, Monday to Friday, with two meals.”

The Pennypit Community Development Trust has operated for more than 30 years on a community needs basis and is supported by local partnerships and council funding.

Ruth explained: “The Pennypit Holiday Lunch Club Programme has been running since the beginning of summer 2016 across two sites in PSG (Preston/Seton/Gosford) and Fa’side and supports up to 250 children and young people trying to address the issue of hunger during the school holidays, due to an absence of free school meals.

“As well as the provision of food, we need support to fund activities, workshops and resources that keep the children engaged, entertained, able to socialise and make vital friendships with others. The play is varied, so no week or month is exactly the same and includes crafting activities, outside play, messy play and a range of educational trips and visitor sessions.

“We operate in an environment that promotes independence. Activities may include health and wellbeing workshops such as cooking, for example. The programme allows us to educate the children in how to prepare, cook and enjoy food which will allow them to live a healthier lifestyle.”

She added: “We are working towards ensuring that, where we can, all children in our region can access the essential support that Pennypit offers. At the moment, we know that we are only reaching a fraction of children who need us.”

Go to justgiving.com/crowdfunding/alexander-brown-794 to support the campaign.