I MOVED to this area eight years ago and love my new home. From Portobello to Musselburgh to Princes St Gardens, I want to serve the people that live here.

I’ve spent my whole career working to make life better for our communities, especially the most vulnerable. For the past five years, I’ve worked to combat human trafficking in Scotland. I’ve seen with my own eyes how the most vulnerable people have been let down by the Tory Government. I’ve also volunteered as the chair of a Scottish charity helping destitute people, bringing support to people who are completely sidelined by the system.

Before that, I worked for Save The Children and a thinktank. And before that, I worked for the Foreign Office at the UK Embassy in Paris. My work involved representing Britain abroad and protecting UK citizens in moments of crisis.

Musselburgh is a fantastic place to live, whether you have lived here all your life or moved here to raise your family, and I have loved meeting so many of you over the last few months.

But I worry too much is holding us back. Our economy should be booming – but too many people are struggling to pay rent or mortgages, or even find a home. There aren’t enough well-paying jobs, and too many sick people are on waiting lists for NHS treatment when they should be living their lives. Our amazing cultural venues are struggling. There is sewage in the water washing up on our beaches, and we need to act to tackle the climate crisis.

I know in Musselburgh lack of access to healthcare is acute, I have heard your frustration and concern every day on the doorstep. Labour will cut NHS waiting lists – by investing in our NHS and funding 160,000 additional appointments every year in Scotland, paid for by cracking down on tax avoidance and non-doms.

The high street is the beating heart of Musselburgh but businesses are struggling as people have less money in their pockets to spend. As one resident told me: “Too much month at the end of the money.”

Labour has a plan to boost the economy and cut the cost of living. That’s why I brought Rachel Reeves, the Shadow Chancellor, to Musselburgh so she could see the potential here.

Despite all the challenges, I firmly believe our best days lie ahead. As your MP, I’d work every day to ensure your voice is heard at the heart of a UK Labour government.

I am humbly asking for the opportunity to serve this town. We are crying out for change, so let's turn the page and get to work.

Chris Murray biography - I’m Chris Murray, your Scottish Labour candidate for Edinburgh East and Musselburgh. I have spent my career fighting to help the most vulnerable in our society by protecting victims of human trafficking. I love living here but I worry that we are being held back. Things could be so much better. We could have more opportunities if we had a government on our side, with homes that people can afford, good jobs that pay well and high-quality care for those who need it. This election is our chance to seize these opportunities and send a government to Westminster. As your MP, I promise to fight every day for the better future our community deserves. It’s time for change. Vote Scottish Labour.