I AM YOUR SNP candidate for the upcoming Westminster election and I am asking for your vote on July 4. It would be an honour to be elected as your MP. I commit to getting to the heart of the issues that matter to you, delivering meaningful change for you and acting with honour and integrity in representing you.

I have the privilege of living in East Lothian, a place where I work and am raising my family.

Drawing on my background and experience embedded in public and community service, I am proud to champion our communities. In doing this, I secure solutions every day to poverty, deprivation and isolation faced by far too many of our neighbours and often a direct result of Westminster Conservative Government policy.

As your MP, I will act as a conscience to the government in Westminster and ensure they scrap the catastrophic decisions and policies that have resulted in austerity, Brexit and the cost-of-living crisis.

You can be assured as your MP I will also stand up for you and your family, your community, your job, your business, your services and for your rights, needs and ambitions. SNP MPs in Westminster always champion the needs and interests of the people of Scotland.

No other party will stand entirely for Scotland. My vision is a socially just society and I firmly believe this can be best achieved with independence, free of the unjust status quo imposed by Westminster.

Both Labour and Conservative manifestos promise further austerity through £18 billion of cuts. A vote for the SNP is one for progressive policies and putting Scotland’s needs first.

As your MP, I will be visible, available and accountable to you as my constituents, whether you voted for me or not.

As your MP, I will support you however I can and to the best of my ability. I listen and then act to secure positive outcomes, to put things right and fight injustice. If I can help you, I will.

In recent times, credible, trustworthy values have been lost and undermined in public life. I offer you what I hold dear: a sense of personal integrity, honesty and dedication. I will stand by you and work tirelessly on your behalf. By electing me as your MP, you can be assured that you can trust me to do as I say I will. I am in this not to climb the political ladder for high office but to achieve tangible positive change for you and for our communities across East Lothian.

For a strong local voice and meaningful change, vote Lyn Jardine on July 4.

Lyn Jardine biography - An East Lothian resident, I am a councillor for Dunbar & East Linton ward, leader of the opposition at East Lothian Council, and office manager for Paul McLennan, MSP for East Lothian. I’m also a wife and mum (my most important role!). Born in Glasgow, I grew up in an RAF family in Kinloss and went to secondary school in Nairn. I left to study, graduating from Robert Gordon University in Aberdeen with an honours degree in public administration. Subsequently, I studied at Stirling University for my postgraduate degree in housing studies. My working background is mainly in the housing sector but also across health and social care. I have a wide range of experience in policy, strategy and service delivery, as well as always advocating for the most disadvantaged in our community. I believe a safe secure space to call home is a fundamental human right. I am ambitious for East Lothian Council to successfully address homelessness and poverty – issues which go hand in hand with lifelong impacts on health and wellbeing. I’m equally passionate about how all our homes need to be suitable for us at all stages of life, enabling us to live a long and purposeful life within our communities, without having a harmful impact on our single shared home of Planet Earth.