A YOUNG fundraiser from Aberlady was left shocked when a Good Samaritan doubled his fundraising total, after being inspired by his efforts.

It has been a busy few weeks for 11-year-old Ruaridh Muir, who picked up the Little Champion Award at the Courier’s inaugural Community Champion Awards last month, before taking part in Aberlady Gala.

Ruaridh was an award winner at the Courier event on May 30 alongside fellow little champions Flora Gentleman, Bodhi Watson and Annalise Kelly.

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The Aberlady Primary School pupil earned his recognition earlier this year by running a mile every hour for 24 hours to raise money for Alzheimer Scotland in support of his gran, who lives with the illness.

In total, Ruaridh raised an astounding £5,000 for the charity.

READ MORERuaridh Muir taking on running challenge for Alzheimer Scotland

His efforts and fundraising achievements were applauded at the Courier ceremony, with his achievements being shared on stage in front of a packed crowd.

His story was heard by a member of the audience, who was so blown away by his efforts that he decided to double the donation to £10,000 on his JustGiving page.

Speaking to the Courier, Ruaridh’s mum Lucy said: “All in all, it’s been a wonderful, busy and mind-blowing few days!

“We couldn’t believe it when the gentleman offered to double the total. It’s such an incredible gesture.”

Lucy said that the kind-hearted donor did not wish to be named, but that he was the father of a family friend. She said that Ruaridh planned to write him a thank you letter.

She added: “Ruaridh couldn’t quite believe it either. He’s so grateful. When they talked about him up on stage at the awards show, and then again at the gala, I think it’s only now starting to sink in just how big of an achievement he has reached.

“I spoke with my friend, whose dad made the donation, because we wanted to get him a gift to say thank you, but he said he didn’t want any recognition and that he was just full of admiration for what Ruaridh had done.

“He certainly plans to keep fundraising in the future. He might take a little break for now before we go asking for more donations, though. But everyone has been so generous and we are grateful for their support.”