ROAD closures will be in place for Orange Order processions this Saturday in Prestonpans.

Hundreds are expected to take part in the event, which marks the anniversary of the 1690 Battle of the Boyne.

Three parades and one walk will take place on June 29 throughout the day, with about 100 people expected to take part in the events.

The morning's events are scheduled to take place from 7.30am until 10.10am.

There is then a break until 4pm, with the events concluding at 4.45pm.

Two processions will kick off at 7.30am, with one of them starting and ending at Prestonpans Medical Centre, affecting a number of the streets surrounding the medical centre.

The other 7.30am procession begins from the Pennypit car park and will make its way to Prestonpans Medical Centre, where the two processions will combine.

At 9.15am, the combined processions will then head along Preston Road, West Loan, North Grange Avenue (by the playing field) and return to the medical centre by 10.10am

The last march will start at 4pm from Prestongrange Road/North Grange Avenue and will make its way along West Loan, Preston Road, Hawthorn Road, Shaw Road and finish at Preston Lodge car park by 4.45pm.

David Walters, executive officer of the Grand Orange Lodge of Scotland, said: "We are really looking forward to visiting East Lothian in Prestonpans.

"At the event, we will have a lot of bands and lodges for everyone to enjoy.

"We hope there will be a big audience, as it is a great time for families and the local businesses who are involved."