A GRANT of £160,000 from the North Berwick Trust has been awarded to North Berwick Harbour Trust to help restore the town’s damaged harbour wall and walkway.

A large hole was blasted in the wall during stormy weather last October, as waves nearly four metres in height, a northerly storm and spring tides created hazardous conditions and caused substantial damage to both the wall and the walkway.

Works have been ongoing to repair the damage, with plans being drawn up and funding being sought to enable completion.

Shortly after the storms, North Berwick Trust was quick to publicly pledge its support to the harbour trust, enabling a change in use of funds of £30,000 previously awarded to fund the emergency measures to protect the harbour from further damage.

The harbour trust has worked with East Lothian Council to secure funds from the Scottish Government and the Marine Directorate. Along with significant funds from the council, works were able to get under way in April. Sea defences are being rebuilt to secure the harbour with a concrete base wall structure dressed with stone on the outer side.

The new structure is designed to withstand predicted future increases in wave strength. The harbour trust has confirmed that the council will have met its obligation to re-secure and repair the sea defences, and will complete that work with pre-committed funds.

Work is taking place to repair the hole in North Berwick's harbour wall

The Courier reported last month that the work to repair the wall was expected to take between five and 12 weeks to complete, depending on weather conditions.

READ MOREWork to repair North Berwick harbour wall 'off to a flyer'

The harbour trust formally requested capital funding of £160,000 from North Berwick Trust to complete the works, focusing on repairing the internal wall structures and restoration of the walkway. The harbour trust has also committed an additional £50,000 to the project from donations received from the support of residents, organisations and groups. This is in addition to £45,000 the harbour trust has already committed to the ongoing repairs.

The request was considered by North Berwick Trust at a recent meeting and the decision was made to award the grant.

This is the second capital grant North Berwick Trust has awarded in its history, the first being a promise of £100,000 to North Berwick Environment and Heritage Trust towards the restoration of St Andrews Kirk Ports.

READ MOREHuge hole in harbour wall as stormy conditions hit town

Sir David Tweedie, chair of North Berwick Trust, said: “North Berwick Harbour is a vital part of our community, creating a focal point for tourists, business, volunteering, leisure and environmental projects through the wide variety of organisations based around the harbour.

“The jewel in our town, the harbour is both highly valued by our community and visitors alike, and an important feature of our historic townscape.

“North Berwick Trust is determined to stand behind the harbour trust and to play its part in the restoration of the harbour to its former glory.”

Work is taking place to repair the hole in North Berwick's harbour wall (Image: William Ross)

The harbour trust plans to take over the project from the council once the latter has secured the sea defence and its works have completed.

Andrew Duns, harbour trust treasurer, said: “We are only able to complete the works through the generosity of North Berwick Trust and the local community.

“Everyone involved in managing the build are volunteers and every penny donated is going to the harbour.

“NBHT sees the harbour as a valuable community resource that we are managing for the benefit of the town of North Berwick.

“We are working to put the whole area into ownership of the town for the benefit of the town’s residents.

“Restoring, repairing and developing the harbour is part of the process of taking ownership in the longer term.”

Established in 1974, North Berwick Trust uses its resources to help meet identified community needs and improve the quality of life of the residents of North Berwick.

The trust supports a wide range of organisations, charities and individuals in need who live or operate within the town.

Now in its 50th anniversary year, the trust has awarded more than £1.5 million in grants and supported more than 200 community projects and individuals.