HELPERS would be welcome to lend a hand in the run-up to this year’s Musselburgh Festival.

Organisers the Honest Toun’s Association are looking for volunteers to give support with a variety of duties including: programme sales on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings, 6-8pm; fancy dress parade marshals for Friday, July 26, 6.30-8.30pm; and marshals for the festival day at Musselburgh Racecourse on Saturday, July 27, noon-6pm.

A spokesperson said: “The selling of programmes is particularly important as this not only replaced much-needed income from the £1 voting cards but the over-100-page programme is a platform for new residents of the town, young and old, to be encouraged to join our celebrations and have access to as much information as possible.

“If you or a family member, friend or workmate are willing to help us, please contact us via our Facebook page or email”

In relation to income from voting cards, the Honest Lad and Honest Lass are no longer voted on by the public but are selected by a panel.