VIP guests are expected to visit Pinkie St Peter’s Primary School in Musselburgh tomorrow (Friday) to present art prizes to pupils.

The children have been taking part in the inaugural Pinkie-tastic Art Competition, sponsored by the local Tesco store, Pinkie Farm Shop and Edinburgh College, which is being held in conjunction with the annual summer fair at the school.

The 2024 Honest Lad Billy Innes and Honest Lass Eilidh Bonthron, along with Scotland’s first Gladiator Siren, will visit the event to present the prizes.

“We have first, second and third prizes for each year group, then a further seven special prizes, bringing the total to 30,” said organiser Bex Richmond.

A professional gallery space will be created throughout the school to showcase the pupils’ artwork.

The summer fair is on from 2pm to 5pm, with the art prizes being presented at around 3.15pm.

The fun-filled afternoon will feature games and entertainment.

A range of stalls and activities are also planned at the fair. They include an ice cream van, beat the goalie, bouncy castle, face painting, tombola, storytime, family Zumba, craft fun, sponge throwing, selfie station, uniform swap, art exhibition and food stalls.