A DROP-IN session looking at potential development opportunities around East Saltoun takes place later this month.

Hamilton Farming Enterprises Ltd (HFEL), based at the Lennoxlove Estate, is hosting a third public drop-in event for residents of East Saltoun and the surrounding area. 

The local landowner is preparing to respond to East Lothian Council’s review of its Local Development Plan (LDP), which is in its early stages.

The LDP sets out the council’s planning policies and proposals for a 10-20-year period, dealing with housing, transport, the environment and the economy.

Two previous drop-in events gathered local views, summarised key issues for the village and highlighted potential development opportunities. 

The third event, which takes place from 2.30pm to 7pm next Tuesday (June 25), will set out options and ideas for development over the LDP period and beyond.

Residents can drop in to the village’s Fletcher Hall to talk to HFEL and its consultant team, Urban Animation, and Fraser Livingstone Architects. 

Alan Laidlaw, board member at HFEL, said: “We are pleased to continue our conversation with local people and groups.

“We encourage all members of the local community to join us to progress the conversation around the future opportunities for the village.” 

Richard Heggie, of Urban Animation, encouraged people to head along.

He said: “This drop-in session enables local residents and businesses to participate in the planning process at an early stage. 
“The event is open to everyone – you don’t need to have attended the previous two sessions.”