“A PLACE of romance, history and drama for over eight centuries” has gone on the market for £8 million.

Seton Castle, south-east of Port Seton, features 13 bedrooms and is set in 13 acres of private gardens and parklands.

The castle was built in 1789 by acclaimed architect and designer Robert Adam using the stone from Seton Palace, described as Mary Queen of Scots’ preferred residence.

A detailed breakdown of the premises is provided and it includes a helicopter pad, as well as gym with mezzanine, offices and garages.

The east wing features three bedroom guest/staff cottage while the west wing features the same, as well as a cinema room, office and stable bar.

The unbroken ownership of Seton Castle by the Wemyss family from the late 18th century until 2003 served to freeze Seton in a protective time warp, ensuring the preservation of the elegant architectural detail created by Adam.