Residents in the Musselburgh area can learn about measures being taken to eradicate giant hogweed from the River Esk at the Esk Valley Trust's next evening talk.

David Quarendon will discuss 'Eradicating Giant Hogweed in the Lothians' at the Zoom event on Thursday, June 27, at 7.30pm.

Mr Quarendon is a trustee of the East Lothian Countryside Volunteers charity, working as a volunteer with East Lothian Council's countryside service for many years. Now retired, he has been closely involved in the eradication of giant hogweed from the county since 2015.

He will outline the volunteer-led programmes established to get rid of the invasive weed where it prevents native species from growing.on the River Esk and River Tyne. He will discuss why eradication is needed, the role of landowners, 'spotters' and technology, and highlights the progress achieved so far.

The talk is open to all and is free.

To register, visit