TWO county heroes have told of their valiant efforts to prevent a fire from spreading at Gullane Beach.

Earlier today, the Courier reported that brave residents had put their own safety at risk, helping to stop a fire from spreading on Wednesday evening.

Harry Jackson, 46, and Marc Armstrong, 44 – total strangers to one another at the time – were separately enjoying sunset strolls at about 10pm when they came across the blaze engulfing the grassy dunes.

The Scottish Fire and Rescue Service attended the incident but, before they were at the scene, the two worked together to stop the fire from growing.


Marc said that, Harry, from Gullane, ran over "like a Viking" with a huge stick and started an assault on the fire.

Marc, of Port Seton, followed suit and grabbed a stick, both of them battling the blaze until an SFRS fire engine reached the scene.

Marc paid tribute to Harry's efforts and told the Courier: "If it weren't for him, I wouldn't know what I would have done."

He went on to say: "Harry ran over like a Viking who was ready for battle, and he just started trying to put the fire out by the edges; he told me to get one myself.

"Together, we just started to hammer this blaze out. It was hard to stay away from it and not get hurt because it could have spread so much more than it would have if Harry and myself weren't there.

"What Harry did was so amazing in putting it out because I was only helping out a little; we were like Batman and Robin.

"We got the fire at bay and almost put it out entirely; then the fire service arrived and I was just so relieved to see them."

Meanwhile, Harry told the Courier: "The beach at Gullane is one of my favourite spots. I am also a lover of wildlife.

"Each second is vital when a strong wind hits flames. The animals, insects, birds and quality of air are all instantly at risk – I know this from my ties with the East Lothian Wildlife Facebook group.

"Thanks mainly to vital provision, loud orders and advice from my new friend (beach visitor Marc), the problem was evaluated and solved very quickly – thank God."

READ MOREResidents 'risk own safety' to stop Gullane Bents fire from spreading

Firefighters left the scene at 12.08am and there were no injuries.

A Scottish Fire and Rescue Service spokesperson said: "We were alerted at 10.11pm on Wednesday, June 12, to reports of a fire in the open in Gullane.

"Operations Control mobilised one appliance to Gullane Beach, where firefighters were met by a fire which had taken hold of a section of gorse.

"Crews extinguished the fire and worked to make the area safe before leaving the scene. There were no casualties."