HAILED by parents for her ability to empower children, Emma Shepherd, of Dirleton Primary School, is a true teaching hero.

Thanks to Mrs Shepherd, the village primary school now works closely with Hamilton Waste and Recycling to ensure that all waste is correctly recycled.

Recycling bins are placed in every classroom and are monitored by pupils daily.

In addition, due to the kind teacher’s efforts, Dirleton Primary now has a lunchtime scratch club run by one of the pupils. The school did not previously have the facility.

READ MORE: David Leckie hailed the music hero at Community Champions Awards

Mrs Shepherd, who has been teaching for 30 years in East Lothian, and who took up her role at Dirleton Primary during the Covid pandemic, in 2021, has also been praised for her work out of hours to support pupils, including attending one pupil’s fashion show in Edinburgh on a Sunday.

Now her efforts have been rewarded, as she picked up the Champion Teacher of the Year Award at the East Lothian Courier Community Champions Awards last Thursday.

Mrs Shepherd faced stiff competition from Knox Academy’s Hannah McBride and Ross High School’s Lynsey Kelly, who have both done great community work within their schools.

READ MORE: In pictures: East Lothian Courier Community Champion awards

Reflecting on her win, Mrs Shepherd could not quite believe it.

She told the Courier: “I’m delighted, I am really surprised, I didn’t expect to win at all!”

And she said that doing good to help her pupils was a highlight of her job.

She said: “I really enjoy all aspects of my job and doing what I can to help others. I couldn’t do what I do without the support of the community, they make it possible.

“The school community and the staff are incredible, as well as the wider community too. I just hope I can keep doing my part!”