A GROUP of retired Buccaneer pilots have had a special reunion at the National Museum of Flight.

Bob Kemp, Dan Needham, Alasdair Beaton and David Cable gathered at the museum, at East Fortune airfield, last Tuesday.

They all joined the Buccaneer force around 1970 and last week came from as far away as New Zealand to see the museum’s Blackburn Buccaneer S.2B XT228, which all of them have flown. 

The quartet were joined by Nigel May, who is a volunteer guide at the museum.

He was also a Nimrod pilot and, although he did not fly Buccaneers, he sometimes provided target information from his Nimrod XV241.

The Buccaneer is on display in the museum’s conservation hangar, and each of the men visited it and took the time to answer questions from visitors about their experience of flying it.