DUNBAR man Dean Dalziel has been jailed after he caused a drunken disturbance and brandished a knife at a flat on the town’s High Street.

Dalziel attended the property at about 2pm on February 16 this year and appeared to the occupants to be “under the influence” of substances.

He entered the two-bedroomed flat and, after grabbing a phone from a woman’s hand, he made his way towards the living room window.

Edinburgh Sheriff Court was told Dalziel then “slapped the pane of glass”, causing it to smash and fall onto the street outside.

He was said to have “become more irate” towards the occupants and shouted at one woman, “I’m going to batter you”.

The 32-year-old was eventually ushered from the home but returned later that evening where he was again asked to leave the property.

The court was told he then turned up at another flat within the block at about 9.30pm and, after arguing with the homeowners, he was seen to “produce a small silver penknife from his pocket” and waved it around.

He made comments – including “I’ll do you” – during the incident and police were contacted and arrived at the scene at about 10.15pm.

The court was told Dalziel was compliant and told the officers that he had a small knife in his possession .

The weapon was then retrieved from his sock and he was arrested.

Dalziel appeared at the capital court last Tuesday where he pleaded guilty to behaving in a threatening or abusive manner and to brandishing a knife at properties at High Street, Dunbar, on February 16.

Lawyer Angela Craig said Dalziel, c/o HMP Edinburgh, had no memory of the incidents, which she described as “rather random and quite extreme”.

Ms Craig said her client had been struggling with drink and drug problems but had taken “a responsible attitude” by agreeing to plead guilty at an early stage.

The solicitor said Dalziel, who appeared at court from custody, was currently serving a six-month jail sentence for a previous offence and was due to be released on June 3 this year.

She added that “he cannot explain his behaviour” that day but the father-of-one was “realistic” about the disposal he was facing.

Sheriff Robert Fife sentenced Dalziel to an eight-month custodial sentence, to run consecutively to his current term.