AN EVENT is being held to help residents in Musselburgh, Wallyford and Whitecraig have “warmer homes, cheaper bills and a greener planet”.

The free event, organised by Sustaining Musselburgh, aims to equip homeowners and renters with the knowledge necessary to make their homes “more energy efficient, cost effective and environmentally friendly”.

With a line-up of organisations, visitors can expect talks, demonstrations and guidance on various methods to enhance home insulation and other retrofitting solutions.

There will be information on available funding to ensure that people have access to the financial support they need to undertake home improvements.

Sustaining Musselburgh member and event organiser, Amanda Grimm, said: “This event was inspired by the Retrofit Roadshow and Heat Fair that I attended in Portobello two years ago.

“That was really helpful for my partner and me, as we had recently moved to a house built in the 1940s that was colder than expected in the winter!

“We wanted to make our home as close to carbon neutral as possible, to bring down our bills and our impact on the climate and hold heat for longer.



“That event gave us the contacts, knowledge and confidence we needed to have an independent energy assessment, to apply and receive funding from Home Energy Scotland, to hire contractors to install under-floor insulation, and to take a DIY approach to smaller improvements like draught-proofing and a ‘chimney sheep’!

“I want to share these benefits in Musselburgh, especially given the high levels of fuel poverty in the town.”

Representatives from Home Energy Scotland, Warmworks, East Lothian Council, Insulating Innerwick, West Linton Heat Community Heat Team, as well as local installers, suppliers and tradespeople, will be at the event at St Andrew’s High Church, Musselburgh High Street, between 2pm and 5pm this Saturday.

Soup and refreshments will be provided by the Musselburgh Cook Club.

For more information email or visit and, to register for the event, visit