A BLOOD donation session was unexpectedly cut short yesterday after concerns were raised about ants in the venue.

Organised by Give Blood – the Scottish National Blood Transfusion Service - the session was scheduled to take place 5.30-7.30pm at North Berwick Sports Centre.

But the Courier has been told that when nurses saw a significant number of ants in the main gym hall, where donations were being made, they were not comfortable with continuing and the event was cancelled at about 6pm.

Bill Axon, chief executive of enjoyleisure, which operates sports centres in East Lothian, said, “We were extremely disappointed that the blood donation event at North Berwick Sports Centre had to close early.

"We encourage anyone who missed out to visit scotblood.co.uk to find where they can next give blood. Alternatively, October 29 is the next blood donation event at our site.”

A spokesperson for the Scottish National Blood Transfusion Service, said: "Health and safety and infection prevention and control are always our top priority to ensure the safety for donors, patients and staff. 

"SNBTS were given reassurances all was compliant with the venue prior to attending, however, anomalies were noticed at session. A number of insects were observed within certain areas.

"Corrective action and reporting was immediately undertaken. This resulted in the remainder of the session being cancelled.

"No donated blood was affected as we have clear processes to ensure the integrity of donated products is maintained at all times.

"SNBTS would like to apologise to all donors who had their appointments cancelled. We will work with the venue moving forward and look forward to returning to North Berwick."