WET weather failed to dampen the spirits of the team of volunteers behind the Haddington Festival.

Torrential rain on Sunday morning saw the cancellation of the festival’s traditional opening parade and picnic in the Pleasance.

However, organisers didn’t let that set them back and the Haddington Heroes awards ceremony took place in St Mary’s Parish Church.

Betsy Fowler, chairperson of the events group, told the Courier: “The actual Haddington Heroes awards ceremony was really lovely.

“It was really intimate and the families were there.

“It was a special occasion and all were really pleased with it.”

In total, nine awards were handed out to recognise the impact people had made in Haddington.

Laura Jerinoviciene, Erin Scott and Coll Morrison received awards for their efforts with Our Community Kitchen, while Lorraine Dickson was recognised for her commitment to Guides in the area.

Beki Dover, organiser of Haddstock, which also took place over the weekend, was recognised, alongside Eddie Paton, of ELCAP and Chatty Café.

John Rudyj, who retired from the Scottish Ambulance Service, received recognition, as did Robert Flood, who is curriculum leader – social subjects at Knox Academy.

Finally, a certificate was presented to Colin Bowsher, of Haddington Athletic Football Club.

The decision was made on Sunday morning to cancel the opening parade, which would have seen people gather at the town’s Corn Exchange before making their way to the church.

Members of the events group spoke with Police Scotland about the conditions and came to the decision not to go ahead with the parade.

Mrs Fowler added: “We were more concerned about the children getting absolutely drenched!

“It dried up but we could not have known and had to go with the advice we were given.”

The festival, which dates back to 1968, continues throughout this week.

For more information, search for Haddington Events on Facebook.