A plan to ensure the effective participation of East Lothian Council tenants in the services they receive for the next three years has been approved.

A new tenant participation strategy has been produced which aims to continue council engagement with tenants throughout East Lothian.

The strategy has been produced in line with the Housing (Scotland) Act 2001, and an accompanying action plan will evolve over its three-year span, in response to continuing engagement with council tenants.

Councillor Andy Forrest, cabinet spokesperson for housing and property maintenance, said: “East Lothian Council takes its responsibility to involve tenants in shaping the services they receive very seriously.

“This new strategy will continue the good work already taking place in ensuring that tenants’ needs, wants and opinions are at the heart of what we do. This important piece of work also underpins other plans, including the local housing strategy.

“The strategy’s vision is to maximise the participation of all our tenants by forming good working relationships, building trust and respect, whilst sharing information and ideas.

“We will provide resources for tenant participation, give tenants time to consider proposals, involve them and give them the opportunity to influence our decision-making.”

The draft strategy went out to public consultation at the beginning of the year and included letters and emails to tenants and groups, an online consultation and an in-person event hosted by East Lothian Tenants and Residents Panel (ELTRP).

Arrangements will now be made to formally launch the strategy at a joint event with ELTRP.