Village residents are being asked to give their views on a draft local place plan which will detail plans for the area for the next 10 years.

Pencaitland Community Council is seeking the views of village residents to help improve a draft local place plan for 2025-2035.

For a number of months, the community council, along with interested residents, has been working to create a local place plan which will be submitted to East Lothian Council.

Initial surveys have been analysed in the plan, which highlights some key views from residents.

It found that 36 per cent of respondents were unsatisfied with travel in and around the area (answering one, two, or three on ease of travel in the area, with one being ‘very difficult’).

Just over half of respondents (57.9 per cent) felt traffic speeds should be reduced in the village, while 73.2 per cent called for increased/improved bus services.

A total of 61.5 per cent of 156 respondents said they wanted space allocated for a GP service, while two thirds said they wanted land allocated for a pharmacy.

The community council carried out an online and paper survey, held two public meetings on the local place plan, and facilitated group discussions and public meetings.

Respondents also called for a range of house sizes, areas devoted to biodiversity, provision of green spaces and affordable housing as part of future developments in the village.

A spokesperson for the community council said: “In practice, adoption [of the plan] means that any future development of Pencaitland and district will need to take into consideration the views and preferences expressed in the local place plan.

“At this stage, we are all on a huge learning curve, as the whole idea of a local place plan is new to everyone, which means we have very few examples to follow.

“Now we are asking all of those who were good enough to fill in the original survey to go back and read our draft local place plan and appendix, which contains a lot of the survey takeaways.

“If, after reading it, people want to make suggestions, please email chair@pencait with the subject ‘P&DCC LPP comments’.”

The full draft survey can be accessed via the group’s Facebook page.