A MUSSELBURGH man who brandished a mallet and made derogatory comments during a disturbance in the town has been admonished after he stayed out of trouble for six months.

Jake Dawson was seen to shout, act in an aggressive manner and challenge others to fight with him at the town’s Lochend Road North on June 17, 2021.

Dawson, 23, was arrested and appeared at Edinburgh Sheriff Court last November to plead guilty to an offence of behaving in a threatening or abusive manner.

Sheriff Iain Nicol said that he was deferring sentence on Dawson, of Pinkie Terrace, for six months for him to be of good behaviour.

Dawson returned to the dock last week, where Sheriff Nicol was told that Dawson had not come to the attention of the police since his last court appearance and he was admonished.