A WARNING has been issued to people after a swan that was found severely injured died.

The male swan was found injured at Levenhall Links Boating Pond in Musselburgh.

Eggs had also been taken from the swan nest and destroyed.

A spokesperson for East Lothian Council highlighted that it was not only terrible news but that it could also lead to police prosecution.

They said: “We would like to remind the public of the responsibilities we all have sharing open spaces with wildlife, and that damage to active bird nests, wildlife harassment, and causing the death of wildlife is a wildlife crime that will lead to police prosecution.

“We can all help the wildlife we share the coast and countryside with by following the Scottish Outdoor Access Code and taking responsibility for our own actions, particularly:

• keeping dogs under proper control and on leads in ground nesting bird areas

• don’t disturb wildlife

• care for your environment – leave no trace

“If you notice any incidents of wildlife crime, report to Police Scotland on 101 or online.”

Issues at East Lothian countryside sites can also be reported to ranger@eastlothian.gov.uk