A SPLASH of colour has been added to a village’s play area thanks to the wishes of local schoolchildren.

A rainbow path has been created in the play area in Whitecraig thanks to a partnership between pupils at the village’s school and Queen Margaret University.

As part of the project, children shared what they thought of their play spaces and what they would like to see through videos, in song, and by presenting at both the university and the Scottish Parliament.

Their views on the importance of play, access and future facilities were central to the research project’s findings and have now been reflected in the works carried out in Whitecraig play area.

Councillor Colin McGinn, cabinet member for community wellbeing, visited the play area to meet children and see the path and wider improvements.

He said: “We were delighted to be able to deliver this new rainbow path in response to the request from the local children in Whitecraig.

“Their vision was spot on – it looks fantastic and I’m sure will offer lots of scope for imaginative play.

“We also took this opportunity to improve accessibility into the play area, which enables children in buggies, wheelchairs or those who use a mobility aid to reach more of the play items.

“We are continuing to explore funding opportunities for further enhancements to this play area and others in the county so that all children have a fun and accessible space to play in.”

A new rainbow path at the heart of Whitecraigs park has been created after suggestions from children in the village were gathered

A new rainbow path at the heart of Whitecraig's park has been created after suggestions from children in the village were gathered

The children identified improvements they would like to see in the play area beside the village’s school, including a ‘rainbow path’ to brighten the play space.

In response, East Lothian Council’s amenity services play squad installed a fully accessible, multi-coloured rubber surfaced path leading into and through the play area, connecting to the basket swing and toddler multi-play unit.

In addition to bringing bright colours to the play area, the new surfacing has also improved accessibility to the play items for all abilities.

The play area improvements were funded through the Scottish Government’s Play Parks Renewal monies.

They take account of feedback received through the council’s recent East Lothian play sufficiency assessment around the need for accessibility and inclusion in formal play areas maintained by the authority.

A new rainbow path at the heart of Whitecraigs park has been created after suggestions from children in the village were gathered

A new rainbow path at the heart of Whitecraig's park has been created after suggestions from children in the village were gathered

Elvin Williams, lecturer in occupational therapy at the Musselburgh university, said: “Play is a fundamental right for every child in their everyday lives, and it’s important for the child, as well as for the life of a community.

“Studies show that when children play in the community, it can make a positive contribution to the development of supportive, healthy and cohesive communities.

“Schools serve as microcosms of children’s communities, providing opportunities and safe spaces for play, both during school and after school, facilitating holistic development and wellbeing.”

Shirley Neill, chair of East Lothian Play Association, also welcomed the new addition.

She said: "It's wonderful to see the children playing on the rainbow path.

“The brightly coloured path is a brilliant idea they came up with themselves to improve their local play area.

“It's also a great example of how important it is to ask children for their views and ideas, as the rainbow path symbolises their wish that the play area should be a welcoming, friendly place for everyone.

“We've been so impressed by the children in the play-friendly Whitecraig project – they have really led the way."