Prime Minister Rishi Sunak confirmed earlier today: "There will be a general election in the second half of this year.”

Mr Sunak has never won a general election as party leader and has so far remained vague on announcing an actual date.

However, the Westminster rumour mill has since spilt into overdrive with several reports suggesting he will confirm the date later today (May 22).

Asked at PMQs earlier today whether he will call a snap election by SNP Westminster leader Stephen Flynn at PMQs, Sunak said: “As I have said repeatedly to him, there is – spoiler alert – there is going to be a general election in the second half of this year.”

Responding, Flynn accused the PM of continuing to “play games with the public”.

The second half of this year begins in around a month, which means a snap election could be held in as little as six weeks. But what is a snap election?


What is a snap election?

A snap election is called earlier than expected - or when not required.

The "snap" element is often used as a tactic to exploit the opposition's weakness, or for a party to boost their majority in parliament.

The then Prime Minister Theresa May called a shock snap election in 2017.

But her gamble to try to strengthen the Tories' hold on Parliament backfired when her majority was slashed by 13 seats.