A PLAN for a block of six new flats in Musselburgh has been lodged with East Lothian Council.

Messrs Hadi and Karim Saleh are hoping to get the go-ahead for the two-and-a-half storey development in garden ground at 30 New Street, along with associated parking and vehicle access to the rear of the site which they own.

According to a design statement, which accompanies the plans, the site is currently the driveway and garden ground to 30 New Street which is a residential property.

It explained: "Apart from the boundary wall the site has no features that require conservation, and is located a considerable distance from the core area of the conservation area."

The proposed block of flats, it added, would occupy roughly the same areas as a previous two house planning approval but with the gap between the previous houses infilled.

The statement said that issues relating to overlooking, privacy or overshadowing, have already been considered in terms of the adopted East Lothian Local Plan 2018.

Additional parking has been created to form two parking spaces for each new flat.

The statement document said several existing trees on the site are scheduled to be retained, with one new tree and shrubs planted throughout the site and along its perimeter.

Emergency and service vehicles would utilise the "improved vehicular access" from New Street to the site, it added.