A gate at historic Newhailes House & Gardens at Musselburgh has been transformed with a new artwork.

Artist Tragic O'Hara has completed a flower and bee design to give people an idea of the nature that lies behind the gates of the National Trust for Scotland visitor attraction.

The gates leads into Newhailes' fields - further along Newhailes Road from the main entrance.

A spokesperson for the National Trust for Scotland commented: "Our gate on Newhailes Road is frequently graffitied and it is a drain on our charity's resources to repaint the fence each time it happens. Therefore, to try to prevent this happening again, our team decided to cover it with our own artwork.

"Graffiti artist Tragic O'Hara designed this incredible flower and bee for us to give an idea of the nature that lies behind the gates of Newhailes. Tragic was also responsible for the wonderful kingfisher at Inveresk Lodge Garden, which the National Trust for Scotland also cares for and shares."