Pencaitland Community Council has raised £2,000 through a festive fundraiser in aid of East Lothian Foodbank.

The group was looking to raise £1,000 for the charity, which has seen a drastic rise in demand this festive period.

But thanks to support from the public, and a Secret Santa event which doubled the amount raised. the group has doubled its target by raising £2,000. 

Earlier this month, East Lothian Foodbank revealed that it had received more than 114 referrals for those who needed support in just three days.

The group was forced to close its referral period for a short period to manage demand, but has since reopened for referrals again.

Ralph Averbuch, vice-chair of Pencaitland Community Council, said: “We know people are struggling and it’s not simply those out of work or with unique difficulties.

“People are not being supported sufficiently to meet basic needs and there’s no greater mark of this than the growing demands on the Trussell Trust, the charity behind, amongst others, East Lothian’s own foodbank.

“This Christmas, we’re asking you to donate what you feel you can to help its vital work.”

The community council vice-chair thanked the public for their kind generosity in donating to the cause.

He added: "The show of community spirit over Christmas has been deeply appreciated.

"Thank you again. Whether it's a penny or a pound, whatever you can spare is very gratefully received & makes a huge difference in the lives of those that, through no fault of their own, find themselves relying on the vital services of the foodbank."