DRESS code standards at Knox Academy have “slipped,” says the school’s headteacher.

Sue Cook reminded pupils, parents and carers of the school uniform policy in her newsletter.

The headteacher stressed that ripped trousers, leggings, jogging bottoms and tops which were cropped or short were not allowed.

She said: “I am sure we have all been affected by the cost-of-living crisis.

“Recently, we have been aware that the standard of dress code has slipped, with young people arriving not appropriately dressed for school and in such things as sportswear and tops that are short/cropped.

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“Whilst we appreciate that our school uniform doesn’t keep up with the latest trends, it is about being functional rather than fashionable and young people saving these other clothes for their leisure time.

“Uniform is also important for safety in the school as it allows us, at a glance, to know that pupils in the school building are ours.”

The school has already set up a uniform bank with both brand-new and pre-loved clothing, which can be given to pupils “discreetly”.