NOBODY should live in fear of violence or any other form of abuse, an East Lothian councillor has stressed.

Colin McGinn, East Lothian Council’s cabinet spokesperson for community wellbeing, made the comments as UN Women launched its annual campaign, 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence, on November 25.

The campaign calls on citizens to share the actions they are taking to create a world free from violence towards women.

East and Midlothian Public Protection Committee has been leading on 16 days of activism locally, working with East Lothian Council, Midlothian Council, East and Midlothian Health and Social Care Partnerships, Police Scotland, Women’s Aid, Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre, Volunteer Centre East Lothian and Queen Margaret University.

Figures from UN Women show that one in three women experience physical or sexual violence, mostly by an intimate partner, with disabled women twice as likely to experience violence as non-disabled women.

Mr McGinn said: “It has never been more important that, in these modern but challenging times for society, we reinforce the message that nobody should live in fear of violence or any other form of abuse.

“I feel very strongly about the importance of the 16 Days of Activism campaign.

“Sadly, violence against women is an issue which is all too prevalent globally and highlighted regularly in news bulletins from around the world.

“While 16 Days of Activism provides an annual opportunity to highlight that nobody should live in fear of violence or any other form of abuse, we must all play our part throughout the year in challenging attitudes that accept or try to normalise abusive behaviours.

“We must also highlight that there are people for anyone experiencing violent or abusive behaviours to speak to in confidence for help and support.”