THE conduct of a community councillor will be discussed behind closed doors next week.

Haddington and District Community Council has agreed to meet in private following concerns raised about David Barrett’s behaviour.

At the end of the group’s monthly meeting earlier this month, it was raised that emails relating to community council business should be sent to the community council inbox and not to members’ personal email addresses.

However, Mr Barrett said he was frustrated as he believed that work he had done on various topics was not being considered. He said: “I make no apology for using people’s personal email addresses.”

Mr Barrett was previously suspended for nine meetings for unspecified breaches of the community council’s code of conduct.

READ MORESuspended member can now return to community council

In a statement to the Courier ahead of the meeting on Wednesday, he claimed: “The whole nasty affair has been reminiscent of a wicked medieval witch-hunt.

“The legislation surrounding community councils is now 50 years old and needs total revision.

“These community bodies become increasingly unrepresentative of public concerns and opinion, and obsessed with their own members’ pet projects.

“The culture of ‘excuse’ is centred around being ‘volunteers’; this needs to be dragged into the 21st century to represent a rapidly changing society.”

READ MOREDavid Barrett refuses to leave Haddington community council meeting after suspension

Jack Worden, vice-chairman of the group, confirmed there would be a meeting next week.

He said of Mr Barrett: “After returning from suspension, he has again exhibited behaviours which the office bearers believe breach the code of conduct. He has also made allegations to the chair, personal allegations, relating to a number of members of the council as well as other members of the community, which I think some would consider serious allegations.

“As a result, the office bearers have organised a special meeting to discuss both of these things.”