A bid to build a three-bedroom home in a Prestonpans front garden has been approved by planners.

The proposal had been submitted to East Lothian Council’s planning department by applicant James Ewen.

He outlined his intention to build a three-bedroom home in the garden grounds of 105 Preston Avenue, between that house and 8 Middleshot Square.

The home will be two storeys – a ground floor and first floor – with additional room in the attic.

The proposal was previously discussed at a Prestonpans Community Council meeting, in which one member claimed it was “totally out of character” and could significantly change the landscape and streetscape.

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However, council planners have rejected this notion, approving the plans and stating that the development would “not be incongruous” to the area.

The planning statement said: “The proposed new house would be of a two-storey height and with its front elevation aligned with the front elevations of the two houses of 103 and 105 Preston Avenue and facing the street as they do, it would not be an incongruous addition to the characteristic layout of the houses in the locality or to the streetscape of Preston Avenue and the neighbouring part of Middleshot Square.

“The proposed house would have a good-sized garden and the garden ground being retained with the existing house of 105 Preston Avenue would be of a size similar to those of the existing terraced houses in the locality.”