NORTH Berwick High School’s new head pupils are excellent role models to younger pupils, says headteacher Michelle Moore.

This academic year, the team will consist of head pupils Ella MacCulloch and Amy Crummey, and depute head pupils Iona Syme, Alex Smith and Rosie Gurney.

Ella is studying biology, chemistry and physics and wishes to pursue a career medicine after school. She also enjoys horse riding and swimming in her free time.

Amy is keen to study history once she leaves school and enjoys running in her free time. She also plays and coaches hockey.

Iona is another keen hockey player and is currently honing her barista skills in her part-time job – she also wishes to study medicine at university.

East Lothian Courier: North Berwick High School has a new head pupil team. From left: Amy Crummey, Alex Smith, Michelle Moore, Rosie Gurney, Iona Syme, Ella MacCullochNorth Berwick High School has a new head pupil team. From left: Amy Crummey, Alex Smith, Michelle Moore, Rosie Gurney, Iona Syme, Ella MacCulloch

Alex is interested in a career in business or accountancy after he leaves school and is currently studying physics, maths, economics and PE, which he balances with his under-18s’ rugby.

Rosie is keen to pursue psychology at university and loves drama, art and dance – she is currently a member of a local theatre group, which she loves.

Mrs Moore, North Berwick High School head-teacher, was sure that all the head pupils would prove excellent role models to younger pupils in the school.

She said: “While the team are diverse in their interests, what they have in common is a determination to make a difference and really represent the pupil voice.

“Friendly and approachable, and full of ideas, they have already made an impact and are excellent role models for the younger years.

READ MORE: Dunbar: New head pupils chosen at school

“As well as completing an application form, those in the running also had to produce a short video outlining their pledges and ideas for change and answer questions during a panel interview.

“There has been an overwhelming interest from the sixth year in leadership roles this year.”

Mrs Moore added: “The head team are joined by 16 house captains, with the addition of prefects this year for the first time.

“[Staff members] Mr Robert Jones and Mr Craig Burgess share the S6 year-head role and were keen that the prefect role was open to any S6 who wanted the opportunity.

“There has been a phenomenal response to this chance to ‘give back’ and support the school community.”