AN EAST Lothian councillor says she has taken “direct action” by removing Bellway Homes signs from lampposts in Tranent, and is keeping them at her home.

Lee-Anne Menzies, ward councillor for Tranent, Wallyford and Macmerry, said the small signs which point in the direction of the developer’s Elphinstone homes, are “absolutely not allowed” and are being removed by East Lothian Council.

Ms Menzies told the Courier she had spotted 18 signs on lampposts around the town and took it upon herself to remove them on Saturday.

READ MORE: Housebuilder’s giant sign ‘not a good look’ says councillor

She said: “Sometimes in life, direct action is required to improve your community.

"Today was one of those days.

“I’m fed up of doing videos just stating what a whole heap of us are thinking.

"Especially, when our council workers have enough on their plates.

“So, if any of the developers want their signs back, they can get my home address from the council, I’d be delighted to chat to them directly about their ignorance of our democratic procedures and the welfare of our communities.

READ MORE: Worries housing developers are putting profit before community

“I’ll continue to do this for as long as it takes. I’m a pedant.

"I will make the time and I have the tenacity.

“Surely, they have better uses for their marketing budget, when a middle-aged woman with the will to do it, can unravel it so quickly?

“This isn’t about a small business trying to make a living.

"This is a multi-million pound conglomerates who think they can run roughshod over the minions!

"Well, this minion is more than equipped to show you exactly what I think of you.”

Ms Menzies encouraged anyone who saw the signs around Tranent to let East Lothian Council know so they could be removed.

Bellway Homes has been contacted for comment.