Permission for a substation to harness the power of 36 offshore wind turbines has been granted by East Lothian Council.

Seagreen Offshore Wind Farm, located 27km off the coast of Angus in the North Sea, will be Scotland’s largest, and the world’s deepest fixed-foundation, offshore wind farm.

Power from the turbines will be directed to the planned substation at the former Cockenzie Power Station site.

It will be located south of the B1348, opposite the Inch Cape substation development, which is on the coastal side of the former Cockenzie site.

The project is a £3bn joint venture between TotalEnergies and SSE Renewables.

The proposals will now look to move forward subject to “securing an economic route to market”, before a final investment decision is made.

East Lothian Council’s planning committee has unanimously approved the application for the new substation, named Seagreen 1A .

The decision builds on the 2021 planning permission in principle for the Seagreen 1A onshore substation plans at Cockenzie.

The Seagreen 1A project is a proposal to build the remaining 36 consented offshore wind turbines adjacent to Seagreen Offshore Wind Farm, which required a separate grid connection through the Cockenzie substation.

Developers say that “the proposed onshore substation is therefore an essential component to enable connection into the national electricity grid and help Scotland reach a net-zero carbon future.”

The substation proposals had been recommended for approval by East Lothian Council planning officers, subject to conditions, and had received no local representations against the plans.

Seagreen 1A is now being taken forward by Seagreen Wind Energy Ltd (SWEL), a joint venture between SSE Renewables and TotalEnergies.

Simon Hindson, lead onshore consents manager for Seagreen, said: “We welcome the continued support from East Lothian Council.

“We have worked hard on the detailed designs and all the proposed Seagreen 1A substation buildings will be significantly lower in height than the existing substation next door.

“Our plans have also been well received comprising a collection of smaller buildings, rather than one larger building, and for being set back from the road allowing for the incorporation of landscaping.”

The Seagreen 1A team also stressed their desire to forge further links with local community groups and show their commitment to showing support for local events.

The next steps will see them meet with local community councils to share more information on the project and take forward discussions on community benefit.