A NIGHT of soul music raised £1,000 for Hollies Community Hub in Musselburgh.

The event, ‘Souled Out’, organised by Hollies supporter Derek Robertson, of Stoneybank Crescent, was held at the town’s Ravelston House Hotel.

Guest DJs Paul McCann and Fern Higginbotham joined Mr Robertson in playing contemporary soul music to a packed house of 140 enthusiasts.

Karl Cleghorn, one of the hub’s volunteer trustees, said the tickets and a raffle, coupled with donations, raised £1,000 towards “the continuing fight to ensure the survival” of the High Street facility. The hub offers a lunch club for the elderly as well as a public café and meeting place for local groups such as the newly formed Musselburgh & District Veterans’ Group.

The Ravelston waived its charges for the hire of the room, further ensuring a “successful and enjoyable” event, added Mr Cleghorn.

He paid tribute to Mr Robertson for his fundraising efforts to ensure the “valued and loved” hub continued its “essential work” in supporting people in the Musselburgh area.

Later in the year, Mr Robertson, who works in the Scottish Government’s directorate for agriculture and rural economy, will once again muster some volunteers to help paint and refurbish rooms at the Hollies.