Teenage diver Libby Duke has her sights set on the Commonwealth Games after another successful performance at the British Diving Championships in Sheffield.

Libby Duke, 17, managed a strong performance at the British Senior Nationals, putting in a personal-best score with teammate Ellen Gillespie, from Edinburgh, in the 10m synchro diving event.

The Tranent teenager also recorded a personal-best score in the platform individual, finishing seventh, and 14th in the three-metre individual.

While the duo were given medals for their synchro dive, celebrations were muted given that they were the only team competing in the event, meaning that any score would have won them the title.

Leigh Duke, Libby’s mum, said her daughter was a little frustrated by not having competition in the dive, but was happy with her performance.

She said: “I think it was a little bit frustrating because I am sure she’d have liked to have won it against other competitors.

“But they both dived really well and I know she’s delighted with her performance.

“She recorded some personal bests as well, which was great.”

Leigh said that Libby, who will move into S6 at Ross High after the summer break, had her sights set on the 2026 Commonwealth Games in Australia.

She said: “That was her final event of the summer and she will enjoy a bit of a break.

“She has been sitting her Highers at school and she’s looking to study in physio or nursing, but hasn’t made any final choices yet.

“She has worked so hard over the last few months, balancing studying and training.

“She will take a well-earned break now.

“I think her goal is to aim for the Commonwealth Games, that would be a great achievement for her.

“But we’re taking it one step at a time.

“She is young and there is lots of time to make these things happen.”