FRESH concerns have been raised about the future of Harlaw Hill House.

The category-A listed building has long fallen into disrepair, becoming a target of vandals who have smashed its windows.

The building, which is privately owned, is one of Prestonpans’ most historic buildings but a lack of maintenance has allowed it to fall into a worrying state.

The elderly owner officially moved out of the property in 2015 after allowing it to fall into a dilapidated state while he was resident.

In May last year, the building became engulfed in flames, causing further damage.

READ MOREFirefighters battle large fire at Harlaw Hill House

In order to save the structure, Councillor Lachlan Bruce, ward member for Preston Seton Gosford, queried at a meeting of Prestonpans Community Council whether a compulsory purchase by East Lothian Council would be possible.

A compulsory purchase is a legal mechanism which allows groups, such as the local authority, the power to purchase the building without the consent of the owner.

Dr Johnston-Smith, chair of Prestonpans Community Council, hoped that progress could be made.

He said: “It is important to the town – we talk about it regularly.

“The threat of a compulsory purchase can be enough to make the owner move on it.”

However, a council spokesperson said: “The council would not consider purchasing a building that is in a poor state of disrepair and that we have no need or purpose for and is not a requirement of the capital plan.”