TRANENT FC have released summer signing Jordon Forster after admitting they “clearly got this wrong”.

The former Hibernian star signed for the Belters earlier this month but appeared at Edinburgh Sheriff on Tuesday in relation to domestic abuse charges.

Yesterday (Wednesday), the East Lothian side released a statement stressing the importance of rehabilitation.

READ MORE: Tranent FC issue statement after Jordon Forster admits domestic abuse

At that time, they said: “Tranent Football Club acknowledge the decision of our current player, Jordon Forster, to plead guilty to an amended domestic abuse charge at the Edinburgh Sheriff Court yesterday.

"Whilst we deplore any and all forms of domestic abuse, we also believe in the value of rehabilitation.

"Jordon has shown nothing but remorse as well as a willingness to correct his actions and, as a club, taking into account the thoughts and opinions of our management, committee, sponsors, colts and our supporters, we are encouraging and assisting Jordon with his reformation."

However, they have now released a new statement, which confirms that the 29-year-old has left the club.

A spokesperson for the club said: “Tranent FC can confirm the contract of Jordon Forster has been terminated with immediate effect.

“As a board, we have made a mistake and we apologise to the victim, our fans, the local community and to the wider sporting world for any offence caused, this was never our intention.

“We are a club committed to doing the absolute best we can and we clearly got this wrong.

“We will endeavour to do better going forward.”

Forster, from Gorebridge, pleaded guilty to an amended domestic abuse charge when he appeared in the dock.

He had repeatedly turned up at the home and workplace of his girlfriend and accessed her phone without permission.

Forster also shouted, swore and called the woman derogatory names over a period of seven months.

The defender also admitted to causing the woman fear and alarm by acting aggressively towards her on several occasions during their relationship between May and December last year.