KNOX Academy’s outgoing head pupils have encouraged their potential successors to seize the opportunity when they take on the role.

Lauren Clark and Oscar Pirie wrapped up their final year of secondary school with the prom at Whitekirk Hill at the beginning of the month.

As the process to find their replacements comes to a close, the pair had a message for them.

Lauren encouraged pupils to put themselves forward and said: “Definitely go for it.

“Put your all into it; what you get out of it is really rewarding.

“We have met so many amazing people and it has allowed us to develop skills we would not have had if we had not gone for it.”

Oscar and Lauren were assisted by Kirsty Dee, Olivia Dale and Hannah Pathirana in the role.

Both the departing head pupils took the time to praise their deputes and described them as having been “amazing this year”.

Oscar, 18, noted the work that had been done alongside Our Community Kitchen.

A number of fundraisers have been organised to benefit the local good cause, which tackles loneliness and social isolation.

Oscar said: “Coming out of Covid, there were so many good charities that could use helpers and support.

“From the school, we have helped Our Community Kitchen this year, which has been absolutely fantastic.”

Each candidate for the head pupil roles had to run a campaign, draw up manifestos and film videos summing up what they were about.

A Question Time-style event was also held, at which pupils could ask their peers questions, before an interview with teachers and younger pupils.

Oscar, who also plays in goal for Musselburgh Windsor, echoed the sentiments of his colleague and said: “Be prepared to put in a lot of time and effort.”

He added: “I mainly focused on the pupil voice and making sure they were heard, not just the senior pupils.

“I also stood a lot for volunteering and getting Knox’s relationship with the local community up as well.”

Lauren, who previously attended King’s Meadow Primary School alongside Oscar, told the Courier how the role had opened doors to meeting people.

She said: “I was really passionate about putting other people’s ideas forward and wanted the whole school voice to be heard.”

The final vote for an announcement of the school’s next head pupils takes place tomorrow (Friday).