A bid to extend a North Berwick convenience store to include a hot food takeaway and two flats has been approved by East Lothian Council planners.

The hot food takeaway will be built to the south side of the existing Nisa Loco convenience store on Lochbridge Road and two flats built above.

Both flats will have three bedrooms and have first-floor outdoor terraces, one facing east and one facing west.

There had been concerns from some residents that the development could increase traffic problems in the area, as well as littering.

Planning officers rejected these notions, saying that “the operation of a hot food takeaway would be a natural extension of the retail use of the building” and would not significantly change the character of the area.

The issues of odours and noise were also raised but the installation of a new flue and existing noise generated by vehicular traffic were highlighted as reasons why these concerns would be negligible.