AN INTERNATIONALLY-RENOWNED scientist and television presenter has backed a newly-launched children’s book challenging prejudice and encouraging inclusion.

Professor James Logan is supporting Muirfield Riding Therapy’s new book, Uist of Torlundy.

The tale has been named after – and stars – one of the charity’s specially trained therapy ponies.

When Uist the Highland Pony is chosen to do a very special job not everyone thinks he is the right pony for the role.

When the chance to prove himself arrives he rises to the challenge and uses his skills to shine above the others.

Readers are invited to join Uist and his friends at Muirfield Riding Therapy in a story about new experiences, overcoming anxiety, challenging prejudices and inclusion.

East Lothian Courier: Uist of Torlundy has been penned by a volunteer at Muirfield Riding Therapy

Professor Logan, who lives in the county, recently joined the board trustees for the charity, which is based at West Fenton.

He said: “I’m looking forward to helping Uist launch his story and message about facing challenges and the importance of kindness and inclusion, all part of Muirfield Riding Therapy’s ethos.”

The good cause, a member group of Riding for the Disabled (RDA), offers equine facilitated therapy which involves activities with horses to promote participants’ physical and mental health.

Uist of Torlundy was written by Muirfield Riding Therapy volunteer and co-founder of the Gullane Food and Drink Festival Louise Pickering.

She will be joined by the book’s illustrator Bryony Date and Professor Logan at a special reading on Sunday as part of the festival’s family fun day and community picnic.

She said: “I’m lucky enough to be a volunteer with Muirfield Riding Therapy and Uist’s sharer.

“Uist is such a special pony, and in my day job as a primary school teacher, I thought children would enjoy reading all about him and his friends.

“It’s actually Uist’s 24th birthday on the day of the Family Fun Day, so it’s the perfect day to launch his book!”

Go to for more information about the Family Fun Day, which takes place at Gullane Children's Golf Course.