A tree has been planted at Loretto RC Primary School in Musselburgh as part of the Queen’s Green Canopy (QGC).

The whole school gathered to see the hornbeam taking pride of place in the rear field at the school.

Iain Clark, Deputy Lieutenant of East Lothian, was in attendance at the recent ceremony.

QGC is a tree planting initiative created to mark the Platinum Jubilee earlier this year of Queen Elizabeth II, who died in September.

Margaret McBean, headteacher at Loretto RC Primary School, said: “We were delighted to be planting a commemorative tree for the Queen’s Jubilee.

“Unfortunately the planting was delayed due to weather and tree growing conditions so, although a little late, it was a nice way to remember Her Majesty’s Platinum Jubilee and her life.

“Deputy Lieutenant Iain Clark officiated and we were joined by a representative from the Loretto Parent Council too, as well as pupil leaders from P7 and the whole school.

“It was a real community event, as the plaques were made by East Lothian secondary pupils in craft, design and technology.”