A CAMPAIGN offering advice on the impact of higher energy bills and the rising cost-of-living has been backed by a local MSP.

Launched by Scotland’s Citizens Advice network, the Big Energy Saving Winter campaign brings together all the network’s resources.

Local Citizens Advice Bureaus, the Citizens Advice Scotland Money Talk Team service and the online self-help tools like Money Map and public advice site are all available to help the public make savings this winter.

The campaign is also highlighting that more than one in 10 energy cases CABs have dealt with recently have also needed food insecurity advice.

Martin Whitfield, South Scotland MSP, urged people to seek advice. He said: “If you’re worried about your energy bills or other essential costs this winter, please don’t hesitate, just seek advice now.”

For more information, go to cas.org.uk/besw or call 0800 028 1456.