Chatting to an elderly gentleman strolling along the harbour road in Dunbar, he told me he was out exploring his new environment.

“Oh,” I asked, “when did you arrive?”

“Six months ago. It’s very nice,” he answered despondently, “but I still haven’t met anyone.”

It looks like we are heading for a difficult winter with high energy bills, food shortages and even threatened blackouts.

Times are going to be tough for a lot of people, especially those living alone, perhaps, like my new acquaintance, for the first time in their lives. As the days close in, many will inevitably spend more time home alone, risking anxiety and even depression.

No matter how much we are tempted to withdraw behind closed doors with extra sweaters, blankets, and woollen socks, going out and joining some social events can be the best tonic to keep spirits up.

East Lothian towns and villages offer a great selection of initiatives, and community cafes which are doing a wonderful service, in offering a warm cosy place to share some welcome company.

Many are non-profit charities gratefully supported by East Lothian Council. Volunteering a few hours can even help bring personal benefits.

There is plenty of choice.

Dunbar Foodshare initiative ( serves the community, helping people access essential household goods and support generously donated by locals and can also help people access professional help.

Fa’side Community Kitchen in Tranent, set up as a food delivery service during the pandemic, has now moved to East Lothian Co-op Bowling Club, taking over the kitchen twice a week to offer meals to anyone who comes in for a bit of company and a bite to eat.

And if you’re in Cockenzie, do investigate Cockenzie House, which is positively brimming with events, social groups, and health classes. From a decaying mansion hidden behind crumbling walls, it has become a community hub that positively rings with good cheer and laughter. A cup of tea and a blether round the woodburning stove in Cafe Filly will chase off any winter blues.