WHEELCHAIR-FRIENDLY picnic tables are being sited on the promenade at Fisherrow.

The initiative is being spearheaded by the Fisherrow Harbour & Seafront Association (FHSA).

The first table at the beauty spot is already proving popular with residents and visitors, and more tables, all made from recycled plastic, are planned.

The association opted for a design which allows people using wheelchairs to comfortably sit close to the table.

David and Moira Fleming, Fisherrow residents, are regular users, often stopping at the table for a snack when out enjoying a stroll along the prom.

David said: “Moira and I now have somewhere we can sit together.”

As part of the summer trial at the harbour to install a safe walkway, the FHSA will add two more wheelchair-friendly picnic tables with different seating layouts, to increase the options for different sized groups of people.

The trial is using the spaces left by boats craned into the harbour over summer.

East Lothian Courier: Floral planters are being used to separate pedestrians from vehicles as part of the Safe Prom 2022 Summer trial on the promenade at Fisherrow in Musselburgh. Photo: Kate Bewick

Floral planters are being used to separate pedestrians from vehicles as part of the Safe Prom 2022 Summer trial on the promenade at Fisherrow. Photo: Kate Bewick

The altered layout creates a safe path joining Fisherrow’s east and west proms, with 15 new floral planters separating people from vehicles.

The planters have been adopted and are looked after by individuals and charities from the Fisherrow area (www.fhsa.org.uk/planters).

The FHSA and East Lothian Council are keen to hear what people think about the trial layout at the harbour.

Visit www.fhsa.org.uk/safe-promenade to comment.