A soon-to-be-90-year-old woman is set to climb North Berwick Law for her birthday in aid of charity.

Barbara Reid is registered blind and deaf and her poor balance means she requires the help of a wheeled frame to walk.

Despite these obstacles, she said she was inspired to take on the challenge after seeing another member of the community do so to remember their parents.

She said: “I was talking to another member of [charity] Coastal Community Connections and she said she was celebrating the anniversary of her parents’ engagement at the top of the Law.

“I thought: ‘That’s a good idea for my 90th year, I’ll climb the Law.’”

But climbing the volcanic plug is no mean feat for anyone and, for Barbara, the challenge is increased – but she is determined to succeed.

She said: “I ask God’s help and I just get the strength of mind to do it.

“It’s a case of willpower and I am going to get it done!”

Barbara has been training regularly to get ready for the climb thanks to helpers David O’Brien, Mark Sankey and Robert Galbraith.

She said: “I’ve been doing a lot of walking, but I need to have somebody to help.”

Thanks to their assistance, she has been getting used to longer walks and is now ready to take on the challenge.

Barbara was less worried about how she would get down, thinking it would be a lot easier than the ascent.

She said: “Coming down will be easier – I can slide on my bum.”

The North Berwick native is taking on the 187 metre-tall Law in aid of Tree Aid, a charity that tackles poverty in Africa and counteracts the effects of climate change by planting trees.

She said: “I wanted to help an organisation, and I wanted to help something involving climate change, as it means a lot to me and it’s something I worry about.”

When asked how she planned to celebrate upon reaching the top, Barbara said that she did not know but assumed that her son had something in store for her.

She told the Courier: “My son and partner are coming up with me, and I’m hoping they have something in mind – knowing them, they probably do!”

The climb will be completed on Monday June 13 but is weather dependent – Barbara admitted that even she would not attempt it in a downpour.

Those wanting to donate to Barbara’s challenger can do so by visiting justgiving.com/fundraising/barbara-reid4