A 61-YEAR-OLD East Lothian woman with progressive multiple sclerosis is climbing North Berwick Law on Friday in aid of the mental health charity Stepping Out.

Heather Cobban, from North Berwick, is also taking on the challenge in memory of her parents, Alice and Jimmy, who had their first date on the Law, and to raise as much money as possible for charity while she still can.

Heather has progressive multiple sclerosis, a debilitating condition that means she has poor mobility and strength in the right side of her body and which will deteriorate over time.

She has since embarked on an eight-week training regime to get ready to scale the Law, with Sally Hetherington, support worker at Stepping Out, helping her through all the ups and downs.

East Lothian Courier: Heather practising her law climb

Heather called the the Law climb an “enormous challenge” but relished the opportunity to do something memorable for herself, her family and Stepping Out.

She said: “I was very active before, always up and about and doing half marathons.”

“I may have MS but I’m not dead and I want to do this before I can’t – if it takes me all day, I’ll do it.”

Heather’s parents had their first ever date at North Berwick Law and she said it was special that she was able to remember them by doing this climb, on what would have been her mother’s birthday.

“It means an awful lot to me to be able to do this.

“I’m going to lay a stone up there in their memory; even if I have to crawl the last bit, I will do it.”

Go to justgiving.com/fundraising/heather-cobban to donate to Heather’s climb.