MORE than 70 people turned up to protest at Tesco in North Berwick on Sunday over its policy on preventative bird netting.

East Lothian Courier: People came out in large numbers to protest Tesco's netting policy

The supermarket giant had installed netting in the roof space of its North Berwick store, removing and sealing about 50 house martin nests.

The migratory birds will return in the coming weeks and the protest hoped to pressurise Tesco into removing the netting in time for the endangered species.

The peaceful protest was organised by Carole Fairhurst and included those of all ages out to show their anger at Tesco's decision.

East Lothian Courier: People came out in large numbers to protest Tesco's netting policy

Carole was delighted at the turnout and how the people of North Berwick had come together to protect the animals.

She said: "I think there were about 70 people there of all different ages.

"There was people passing by in their cars, tooting their horns in support, acknowledging they were on board."

She added that if the protest wasn't enough to convince Tesco to change its policy then residents were going to boycott the supermarket until it removed its preventative netting.

East Lothian Courier: Protesters at North Berwick Tesco on Sunday

Jacq Cottrell, Scottish Greens candidate for the North Berwick Coastal ward at May's East Lothian Council elections, was also present at the protest and agreed that a boycott might have to be the next stage.

East Lothian Courier:

She had suggested implementing a 'no Tesco hour' where people would avoid using the store and get the message across.

She said: "You would have a time where we would persuade as many people in the town as possible not to shop at Tesco.

"We can make it really clear that there is a strong objection to this amongst the local community and I think that would be a great way of communicating that quite clearly.

"We are envisaging quick next steps to put up the pressure on Tesco to do something."