SPEED limits of 20mph  in towns and villages across East Lothian could now be made permanent. . . and 'Quiet Roads' introduced.

East Lothian Council’s Labour-led cabinet is being asked to decide whether to keep the the limits and introduce a new hierarchy of speed restrictions on its roads or return to pre-pandemic rules.

A new speed limit policy also proposes introducing 'Quiet Roads' in the county which would have signs urging drivers to go slower on lanes which are being used by pedestrians and cyclists.

The new policy follows a survey of residents last year which the council says saw six out of 10 people say they believed the lower speed limits have made it safer for children, with more than half keen to keep them in some, if not all, places.

However it also found 73 per cent of residents said drivers ignored the speed limits and more than half said drivers took more risks and were frustrated by the slower speeds, with 46 per cent having the view that speed limits were not enforced.

However 36 per cent of people questioned said they believed drivers paid more attention to other road users due to reduced speed limits and were less likely to overtake cyclists with a third adding they found it easier to cross roads.

READ MORE: Public urged to have their say on 20mph zones

The proposed hierarchy of speeds in East Lothian’s towns would see 40mph limits on roads on the outskirts of communities, with 30mph roads described as streets where vehicles are given a higher priority than the “place function”.

Speed limits of 20mph would be introduced in residential streets or those with a high pedestrian or cyclist movement such as town centres or around schools.

The policy also covers ways for communities to apply for changes to speed limits in their areas.

And it introduces the designation of popular walking areas as 'Quiet Roads'.

It says: “Quiet Roads are increasingly being implemented on rural roads across Scotland where there may be high levels of use by pedestrians, cyclists or equestrians.

“The presence of vulnerable road users in the carriageway is highlighted to drivers through the use of signage to promote a shared environment.

“Where appropriate, East Lothian Council will consider the introduction of 'Quiet Roads across its network to develop safer movements for vulnerable road users.”